in the garden of the mind...

...where thistles threaten and daisies dance

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

thoughts on mail and bathing

There are benefits to neglecting to check your mailbox.
Of course there are serious consequences as well; consequences so severe that some might argue they out way the benefits and must there fore be avoided.
For example, if you were to neglect checking your mail for the entire month of December, you might discover that you had outstanding tuition you were not aware of, and that you cannot proceed with registration for your final term of university because you failed to pay the bill.
However, when you come home to this enormous pile of mail, there is always the chance that you will discover a little treasure inside. In fact, given its sheer size, your chances are greatly increased.
But, after the December incident, I was expecting the worst when I saw the heaps of beautiful crisp white envelops addressed to me yesterday evening. I ran myself a hot bath with bubbles to dull the impact of inevitable disaster.
You can only imagine my astonishment as I tepidly opened each little mystery that I discovered not a bill, but a new card from MasterCard – and then not one, not two, not even three, but four personal letters! One from town, one from out of province, one from out of country, and the last, from a long lost friend across the ocean.
In my enthusiasm, I dropped some part of every letter into the tub, making them less convenient to read…but I’ll argue more romantic. For a girl who hates Valentine’s, I have to admit it was a welcomed mid February surprise. I plan to not check my mail again until my birthday. Imagine the bounty I might discover then! (Or the potential notice of house repossession?) Though, I might avoid reading mail in the tub as it serves to compromise the integrity of paper materials.


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