in the garden of the mind...

...where thistles threaten and daisies dance

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Pork Chop Fiasco

It's disheartening when you make someone pork chops, which you don't even like, and suddenly 3 extra people (uninvited) show up for dinner. They don't ask, they don't clear their plates and they ruin the evening - in particular because one is intoxicated and screaming, and the other two want to talk shop. So, I guess you should make something more delicious and quit whining next time.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Can a writer stop writing?

Too lazy?
Too boring?
Too dry for words the sounds nice, sad, sorry; wishing I had that perfect phrase to make the world a different place.
Alas, it's me and the dictionary and we're creating arbitrary alphabetical order, not beauty. Not meaning. Just words without a heart to hold them in place.

Monday, January 14, 2008

I wish the kids I teach could just be the kids I think they are.
I wish they wouldn't do the kinds of horrific things to each other that make me ashamed of them.
I wish they didn't prove others right when they were dispicable.
I wish there was a way for them to see the way they disappoint the people cheering for them.
And I also kind of wish I could slap some of the and send them to their rooms without dinner.
I definitely should not have children, my heart would never recover from the pain of it.

Friday, January 11, 2008

sweet, sweet employment

Okay, so I'm still employed, still a Miss.
Can I admit I was secretly hoping to not have my contract extended so I could bum around Europe, play the jambe and write haikus?
On second thought, I get to continue hanging out with my 8's who, recently, have been talking about staging protests, writing letters, signing petitions. Oh to be a 13-year-old activist. Those were the days. I would miss them terribly if I had to go. I'm thrilled to stay, just always curious as Kim said. I like that. It makes me feel less like the word I usually think: fickle.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Today at Starbucks (where I got a frequent coffee drinker freebie) I was approached by a dark haired stranger who inquired (en francais I might add) if was was francophone.
Non. I replied briefly, tongue suddenly dumb to the foreign language stuck on the roof of my mouth.

Oh, sorry, you looked French.

Ha! Brilliant. Resolution #1 is clearly, en effet, and working out for me. Vogue, I will remind you, means fashionable in French. Bien fais.

As far as the second resolution goes, I'm not sure I even know what I meant. What the hell does a Christian look like? I don't mean religious, I mean really, truly, at the heart level.

I need some heart I mean. But will a stranger inquire (perhaps in tongues?) if I am a Christian while lovingly sipping my extra-hot-half-sweet-earl-grey-tea-misto? I'm not sure how to pose Christ-like. Is this heresy?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

feliz neuvo anno

2008 hey?


What better way to ring in the new year than salsa dancing the night away? I feel it's indicative of good things to come - more dancing, more champagne, more Spanish.
In 3 weeks it's possible that I will be thrust back into the world of uncertain employment, which will lead to more waitressing, as my dream job comes to a murky pinnacle. Will it continue into the new year? Will I be, once again, getting rounds and rounds of overpriced drinks in my ugly black skirt and itchy nylons?
Who's to say.
I'm not going to panic. I am a girl of faith this year...uncertainty won't shake this resolve. There's a plan, even if it smells like steak and tastes like minimum wage.
So feliz neuvo anno, frohe Silverster, joyeux neuvelle know, happy new year. It will indeed be a lovely one - if for no other reason - it begins with health, happiness and a ticket (finally!) for my England!
New years resolutions?
1. Dress more vogue, more consistently glamorous.
2. Quit the hypocrisy and actually become a Christian who lives like a Christian. (so, I guess disregard the first resolve?)
3. Live with faith that adventure beckons.
4. Buy only fair trade coffee.