2008 hey?
What better way to ring in the new year than salsa dancing the night away? I feel it's indicative of good things to come - more dancing, more champagne, more Spanish.
In 3 weeks it's possible that I will be thrust back into the world of uncertain employment, which will lead to more waitressing, as my dream job comes to a murky pinnacle. Will it continue into the new year? Will I be, once again, getting rounds and rounds of overpriced drinks in my ugly black skirt and itchy nylons?
Who's to say.
I'm not going to panic. I am a girl of faith this year...uncertainty won't shake this resolve. There's a plan, even if it smells like steak and tastes like minimum wage.
So feliz neuvo anno, frohe Silverster, joyeux neuvelle anne....you know, happy new year. It will indeed be a lovely one - if for no other reason - it begins with health, happiness and a ticket (finally!) for my England!
New years resolutions?
1. Dress more vogue, more consistently glamorous.
2. Quit the hypocrisy and actually become a Christian who lives like a Christian. (so, I guess disregard the first resolve?)
3. Live with faith that adventure beckons.
4. Buy only fair trade coffee.