in the garden of the mind...

...where thistles threaten and daisies dance

Monday, January 14, 2008

I wish the kids I teach could just be the kids I think they are.
I wish they wouldn't do the kinds of horrific things to each other that make me ashamed of them.
I wish they didn't prove others right when they were dispicable.
I wish there was a way for them to see the way they disappoint the people cheering for them.
And I also kind of wish I could slap some of the and send them to their rooms without dinner.
I definitely should not have children, my heart would never recover from the pain of it.


Blogger bart said...

They are the kids you think they are. They just don't behave like it. Dig deep...they're in there somewhere under all the crap.

January 18, 2008 at 3:55 p.m.  

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