in the garden of the mind...

...where thistles threaten and daisies dance

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

If you want to destroy my sweater

How could I have forgotten about these guys? This morning started with white breath wafting from my lips and a cloak of darkness and fog following me all the way to my frosted Sunfire, Sheila. After scraping her I climbed into my car and shivered while I waited for her to warm up.
And then, there they were, my old friends in chauchy button up shirts and old man pants singing about sweaters. How can you possible not love these dorky little men who sing songs called The Sweater Song or Tired of Sex? And write lyrics like:
I wish I could get my head out of the sand
'Cause I think we'd make a good team
And you would keep my fingernails clean
But that's just a stupid dream that I won't realize
'Cause I can't even look in your eyes without shaking, and I ain't faking
I'll bring home the turkey if you bring home the bacon
I'm a lot like you so please, hello, I'm here, I'm waitingI think
I'd be good for you and you'd be good for me

You had me at hello Weezer. Not to mention you are good for me, and I am good for you.
(And I realize this is not from the blue album, but that's hardly the point since it was a mixed CD - this is them at their cutest and dorkiest and most loveable.)


Blogger Robin Anderson said...

you're not intruding. i'm glad I don't know you from anywhere, you just get the raw subjective material i use to exploit myself and feel unique in over the internet. Wasn't that a sentence? I'm not sure if I'm really suffering at all or an incrediable baby? Viktor Frankl says "dispear is suffering without meaning". I believe it. What about you dear friend?

October 11, 2007 at 10:27 p.m.  

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