in the garden of the mind...

...where thistles threaten and daisies dance

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Today at Starbucks (where I got a frequent coffee drinker freebie) I was approached by a dark haired stranger who inquired (en francais I might add) if was was francophone.
Non. I replied briefly, tongue suddenly dumb to the foreign language stuck on the roof of my mouth.

Oh, sorry, you looked French.

Ha! Brilliant. Resolution #1 is clearly, en effet, and working out for me. Vogue, I will remind you, means fashionable in French. Bien fais.

As far as the second resolution goes, I'm not sure I even know what I meant. What the hell does a Christian look like? I don't mean religious, I mean really, truly, at the heart level.

I need some heart I mean. But will a stranger inquire (perhaps in tongues?) if I am a Christian while lovingly sipping my extra-hot-half-sweet-earl-grey-tea-misto? I'm not sure how to pose Christ-like. Is this heresy?


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