in the garden of the mind...

...where thistles threaten and daisies dance

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Critique of Roto-Rooter Man as a Philosophy of Life

Today I conclude the trial run of a bullshit free life. My experiment began at the beginning of the month and has proceeded until now. The following are the pros and cons of a no-tolerance approach to fecal matter.
1. I experienced fewer incidents of confusion and ambiguity. (ie. wondering whether or not something was the case; the no-tolerance approach requires W-5 style questioning at the slightest uncertainty)
2. I experienced fewer incidents of polite meaningless conversation. The Roto-Rooter man forbids frivolity and niceties.
3. Sometimes this lead to incredible insights.
4. Usually I knew the version of events closest to "truth".

1. The number of people I engaged in awkward conversation increased substantially.
2. The the number of new friends I made decreased significantly.
3. Sometimes this lead to information that I'd rather not have known.
4. I discovered, I can't handle the "truth".

In conclusion, after considering the evidence, I would recommend the non bullshit lifestyle, I might just mix in the odd martini to make it more bearable.


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