in the garden of the mind...

...where thistles threaten and daisies dance

Thursday, February 22, 2007

cliff diving

What do you do when the person you love most in the world stands at the end of a cliff that you both know she has to jump off?
You can't jump for her.
You can't stop her.
It's her cliff and there are wild, hungry animals nipping at her heels threatening to eat her up if she changes her mind.
Your heart aches.
You want to be excited - maybe she'll experience a heart pumping ecstasy as she soars through the cool mountain air.
But you have a feeling that she won't. All you can see is those jagged rocks. You know even if she makes it to the bottom alive, she's going to bang up her knees, and hit her head, and look a little worse for say the least.
But you take a deep breath, say a little prayer and then do the only thing you can.
You hug her, and love her, and let her know how amazing she is.
And then you smile, because you never have and never will see anyone look so graceful as they dive off a mountain.


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