in the garden of the mind...

...where thistles threaten and daisies dance

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Today was a long day of yelling at kids. I prayed for the kingdom of God to come today in first period after I scrambled through the doors with the kids - late because I'd locked my keys in the car. So, we're stood around the classroom staring at a map of Canada mumbling along with the anthem as it blares over the intercom. Do we really love "canada" this much? Whatever canada even means, that we stand around every morning giving it unabashed praises? I don't. So I pray. Except for, today I really meant it. And the kingdom did not come; or if it did I could not hear it over the shrieking and yelling and general mayhem that was intrinsic in the very fibres of the particular 8 hour period that was my work day.
PLUS I found out from head office that my contract does not end at Christmas as I was assured when I was hired - but rather extends until February! Damn PMS and shrieking kids and misunderstandings! How it makes me want to cry and hit things.
But, I still have a lot of reasons to be thankful, and I plan to list them to remind myself that the kingdom of God is within. Or something like that.
1. Monday I got to spend the evening with some of my students from last year! They initiated an evening meeting to discuss plans for philanthropy. Those kids make me want to dance and sing and giggle and most of all, hope. How many 14 year olds get together to talk about how to better love the world? Wow.
2. Today was so warm and beauiful I had to take my tights off. And yesterday too. And I can guarantee if I was still unemployed it would have been warm enough to get a suntan.
3. The girls and I went shopping today and they got beautiful new dresses for Angie's wedding. And they are very excited. And they were so lovely.
4. Only two days until sushi Friday. Saki. Saki. Saki.
5. I am going to bed and it's not even 9pm. How sweet (pathetic?) is that?
6. My heating bill was only $400! (I was calculating $600)
7. I didn't go to Starbucks today even though I was sorely tempted twice!
8. My little friend Brook in gr.2 drew a picture for Vaheed because he got in trouble for jumping on a desk and was very sad. Pretty much the most spontaneously generous gesture I have ever witnessed from a 7 year old.
9. I have a date on Saturday. That's right. Louise Carroll. Hmm. This is only on the list because I'm not really sure what to do with this information. It reminds me that life is not always what you anticipate or expect. Sometimes there are surprises.


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