in the garden of the mind...

...where thistles threaten and daisies dance

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

AA Brothers Chinese Food

There are a few unfortunate manifestations of the language barrier. Having lived in a country where I could barely speak the language, I know some of the awkward nuances, shocking ramifications of mispronunciation and the unwillingness of people to laugh when they think you're incapable of speaking their language.
I remember all too well the accidental "ass tray" in lieu of "ash tray"; the inappropriate invitation I unknowingly gave to club full of Frankfurters from the DJ booth; not to mention countless other confusions over cuckoo clocks and their inner functions.
England was hardly better. You'd be surprised how many awkward things one can say when the word "pants" suddenly means "panties". Dump a glass of water and suddenly everyone thinks you've peed yourself.
So, it's with a heavy heart that I drove past the "AA Brothers Chinese Food" restaurant sign today. Did no one have the courtesy to tell them what they're claiming? Unless they are in fact AA Brothers. In which case, it puts a whole new spin on 'anonymous'.


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