in the garden of the mind...

...where thistles threaten and daisies dance

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Call for Rebellion

At the risk of sounding like the cold hearted biznatch that I really am, I must make the following observation. The moment classes are over and finals start, students give up hygiene, make-up, self respect, fashion sense, and better judgment. But why? why suddenly do all the people I've worked and studied and suffered with for 5 years decide (simultaneously and without warning) to wear their pajamas and old, ripped jeans and loose fitting bunnyhugs with ketchup stains? Why is it abruptly acceptable in the last few weeks of school to abandon your true self and instead mutate into a drunk Alzheimer's victim who got lost leaving the home?
Well, it's not acceptable, it's not okay.
Take off the sweats, comb your hair, have a shower for crying out loud and reclaim your freedom to look good.
Don't let the man take your last shred of dignity - he's already taken everything else; namely, your money, time, youth, energy, and social life. Don't let him take your freedom to look good.
For the sake of everything sacred, please, don't let him take that from you too!
This is a call to rebellion, a call to abandon the things that seem most comfortable but will cause the most humiliation, the most oppression, not to mention the least action. Take off the chains of bad fashion, don the sparkling cloak of dignity and freedom and discover, within you, the person of reasonable fashion that you really are.


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