in the garden of the mind...

...where thistles threaten and daisies dance

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

I fought the law...

Turns out I'm not super stealth. The woman I ran into a couple weeks ago - you know - the crazy biznatch that waited until I hit her to honk, apparently she thought it was a hit and run. It was a hit (tap really) and "wait around for the light to change" followed by a "round the corner and wait" followed by a "too late for class to wait any longer" and then a slow drive away. So there was really no hitting and certainly no running! How audacious. It was a tap and meander!

Now I must report to my new friend Constable Bright who has me on file (#07-21161 as it were) and I have to go down to the police station and turn myself in. Hopefully Constable Bright lives up to his name and is a "wow" in a blue suit or has magical powers like his mom, Rainbow.


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