in the garden of the mind...

...where thistles threaten and daisies dance

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

my name is Louise, and I have a problem

I can't stop. Despite my aching conscience, my vanquished bank account, and my peanut sized bladder - I cannot stop coffee cup gambling. I love it. I love the anticipation of milky coffee; I love the seduction of winning as my lips caress the rim; I love waiting, wondering; I love when my teeth finally pry the little rim up. But I lose. Every time, I lose. And then the environment loses. My bank account loses. My little heart breaks and I vow never to roll-up-the-rim-to lose ever again. But he gets me every time, my lover Tim, reminding me of all the great mornings we've had together, all the drunken stupors he's revived me from, all the chocolate he's helped me choke down. And so I give into him, smooth operator that he is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Louise. I am right there with ya on the Tim's problem. Is it pathetic that I will park on 15th street and walk to school so that I can have more money to buy coffee with? Is it pathetic that I will be 15 minutes late for class, but I still have time to walk to the tunnel and stand in that rediculous line just to get my Tim's coffee? And don't feel bad, I've lost everyetime on roll up the rim to win. You are not alone in your coffee addiction. I too, have a problem. Should we start a support group? Love the blog. Just thought I'd let you know I read it because sometimes it's weird to not know who reads your blog.

April 4, 2007 at 8:58 p.m.  
Blogger Shantelle said...

Alright so we really need to start a suppoer group because I too buy one pretty much everday. The whole time the contest has been going on, sometimes two everday, sometimes 3 and do you think I have won even once?? nope, not even a freakin muffin, I dont even want the muffin I just want the satisfaction of winning. My room mates win over and over, we get 3 coffees both of theirs win, mine doesn't, EVERYTIME! Alas I will continue to buy them and I will continue to get excited everytime I'm rolling up the rim

April 5, 2007 at 9:34 a.m.  

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