in the garden of the mind...

...where thistles threaten and daisies dance

Monday, June 4, 2007

At last...

Finally...a degree. After 5 years, 6 majors, 2 colleges, 4 moves, 2 vehicles, 1,892 bottles of red wine, 3 serving jobs, $28,000 in tuition - and no, for everything else there isn't MasterCard, it turns out you have to pay for that too - and at something ridiculous like 19% interest. Not to mention I couldn't even get approved with my sketchy student status until last year! MasterCard cannot take any credit in this moment. I think it's safe to say, this day, this picture, this degree is courtesy of the good woman who birthed me. Sure, I showed up, did the work, registered for the classes and am paying her back, I just know I couldn't or wouldn't have gotten here if it was up to my anti establishment dad and I. I'd probably be a plumber or something.
But I went, and I guess this picture pretty much sums up my presence in the college...Louise, looking confused, distracted, and well, perhaps a touch retarded. Whatever the case, no one could ever say I wasn't trying to have a good time. (Even if it was "simple")
As much as I'll miss spending $6000 a year (before books!) making puppets, colouring, inventing gym blasts and writing lesson plans - I think there is a lot more adventure lined up on the other side of receiving this degree. So, cheers! It's been an anticlimactic day, but pivotal all the same. At least I got to dress up...that made it all worth sitting around listening to mispronounced names for 3 hours.


Blogger Shantelle said...

AHH!!! Congratulations Louise! I can't believe you are all old and graduated, that's so amazing.

June 6, 2007 at 11:54 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh come on, as if you don't want to relive that 3 hour experience one more time. I too felt it to be somewhat anticlimactic, but I was glad that at least we got to listen to Romeo Dellaire, and that they actually gave us our actual degree. Our line was the best by the way. So organized, thanks to you.

June 6, 2007 at 2:41 p.m.  

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