in the garden of the mind...

...where thistles threaten and daisies dance

Monday, May 7, 2007

Dan the Man

In an attempt to acquaint myself with popular culture, I've conceded to the pressure of Dan Brown.
Now, before I say anything about Dan - let's look for a moment at his picture. The guy, for lack of a better word, is a complete chauch. Look at his hair! The mushroom cut? Poor Dan. you'd think that after the success he's reached someone might have told him.
Despite his poor taste in hair dos and the unfortunate bum-chin fate that befell him, Dan Brown has made it to the top of the best seller list for his novels The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons. (fortunately the good people of North America don't judge a book by its cover, or inside jacket either).
I just need to say I don't get it. I'm reading Angels and Demons right now because Kristie told me to - and I do everything I'm told to do - but I feel like the story is being narrated by Harrison Ford or Patrick Swayze back in a time when it was still really impressive to do very manly, impossible things with an uber-ly macho internal commentary. I find myself reading in my head with this cheesy voice over that sounds like a big, muscley, monotone meat man. I suppose at least it's funny that way. I think next I'm back into my choices. The Story of B by Daniel Quinn is ready for me when Robert Langdon is able to save the Vatican and mac some lithe Mediterranean scientist. (I can hardly wait to see if anyone else will be branded or maimed or tortured - and miraculously survive).


Blogger Shantelle said...

You rock my world.

May 7, 2007 at 7:23 p.m.  
Blogger Jared Nordick said...

wait until you read the very last line of the book...

you thought that what you are reading is cheesy?? you haven't read a thing. but, now that i said this i know you are going to flip to the last line and read it... and never, ever, ever finish reading the book. I'll admit, not the best book in the world, but entertaining nonetheless. so don't flip to the last line. give it a chance. if you feel that it is something you never intend on finishing, then flip to the last page. you'll at least get a laugh.

May 8, 2007 at 3:00 a.m.  

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