in the garden of the mind...

...where thistles threaten and daisies dance

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


This ancient ticking clock is perhaps the most infuriating background noise of all time.
So long as I have something going on, a word to say, or anything to do - I can't hear it. But in this moment of silence it nags at my empty thoughts...tick-tick-tick.
As I sit here tonight in my dad's basement (where I'm babysitting my dad) I am feeling bleak sentimentality seep into my cold feet.
This ticking clock feels like foreshadowing for whatever lies on the other side of this evening, this night, this morning. I can't help but feel a certain sense of dread as each moment passes.
It's hard to believe that I had a 'normal' life only 4 months ago. I would have never dreamed that my mom would get cancer, and have surgery, and lose her hair; or that my dad would get a blood clot and have hemorrhaging and hernias and look sicker and sicker by the day; or that school would end, and that all the while life would keep tick-tick-ticking right along as though none of this was of any consequence.
And perhaps it isn't. It's just a blip - a few ticks of this ticking time bomb.
I just can't help but feel a slight twinge of uneasiness. I'd just hate to waste one of those moments that tick by so easily, steadily - I'd hate to waste any what with so much life to be lived.


Blogger Shantelle said...

Hang in there little lady. You are amazing and strong and I think this is a little bit of a glitch but you will all get through it and life will be all good again. Thanks for your comment on my blog....unfortunatly it only lasted 1 day. My stuff got stolen today and now I'm pissed off again, haha. Kidding. I get to be reunited with you in 7 weeks and that's enough to keep me smiling!

May 2, 2007 at 7:10 p.m.  

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