in the garden of the mind...

...where thistles threaten and daisies dance

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Bottoms Up

I went to an AIDS fundraiser tonight (to improve my spirits after a pretty downer week I guess).
And as I sit in my cozy little home tonight I am perplexed and overwhelmed. Overwhelmed because people are starving and life goes on. I'm just not sure how we can justify ourselves- standing around in uncomfortable $200 pumps, tipsy on $5 beers, batting our eyelashes at each other at Lydia's while watching images of people dying in squallor. We're a sick, twisted, preverted little group of middle-class, mostly white, North Americans.
And I for one, am guilty as charged. I hate that I'm part of a society that systematically kills more and more of the poor on account of its own greed. I hate that I cannot seem to extract myself from its allure.
My new month resolution is to sacrifice something.
I think I'll sacrifice booze. All month. That's a useless waste of my money. Every time I want a drink this month, I'll put five bucks in the fund. And now that it's here, written on this public post which both of you read, I'll be held accountable to it.
I'm sick of feeling and acting helpless...I'm sure a more sober Louise would be better at saving the world anyway. Beer slows me, wine dulls me, gin, uh - well, everyone knows what gin does, and tequilla tends to kick me in the junk. So cheers - to Koolaid and a new month.
I love the start of an adventure.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are on the same page with our coffee addictions, but mine just happens to be with other coffees besides Starbucks. My body rejected that coffee like nothing else! Maybe while you're on your month long booze - less adventure you can frequent Starbucks more often... it gave me the same affects of alcohol just about, so why not give it a try?? maybe just add a second shot of cappuccino...

May 4, 2007 at 10:02 a.m.  

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