in the garden of the mind...

...where thistles threaten and daisies dance

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Circus in the Sun

Out for a morning meander in the hot, hot sun - what accosts my eyes but the sight of several men along the river bank in speedos. (or shorts tucked into their bum cheeks) "Hmmm, interesting", I think to myself - and so I wander over to see what on earth these men are doing in such scandalous apparel.
Of course my first instinct tells me they are body builders posing for some small town church potluck calendar (on account of the muscles and the photographers), but that assumptions is quickly dispelled not only by the lack of protruding veins and crisco oil but by the queer sight I was about to behold. One of the speedo clad was balancing horizontally on one hand. Imagine - flat out, straight sideways. However impressive this might be, I'm sure you'll agree, was even more astounding considering the thing he was balanced on - his buddy's head.
Wow - weird was a good word to describe the scene.
As I was warned after yesterday's post, the last line of Dan's book took a strange turn for the weird. In light of the day's events, I couldn't help wondering about the possibilities of not only yoga instructors, but perhaps circus performers also. Let that resonate.
Either way, I feel that balancing on a friend's head in a speedo is a great way to tan the fold of your bum. There's really no other way to ensure maximum, equalized tan. (As irony proliferates in my life, I believe only yesterday I said I liked to get a good base-burn, well, I sure got that today and perhaps a touch of the ol' heat stroke as well....awesome.)

Random thought of the day: Burned legs get very, very hot in nylon pantyhose as they trap and recirculate the heat.


Blogger Jared Nordick said...

i see you finished the book...

May 9, 2007 at 10:27 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gradual, Louise, gradual.... just repeat that over and over... you could also apply the gradual self tanner to the fold of your bum if you were that concerned.

May 9, 2007 at 1:15 p.m.  
Blogger Shantelle said...

You make me laugh. Also those damn nylons are a killer, thanks again for that Randy.

May 9, 2007 at 4:33 p.m.  

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